Ready or not were back in action and the school year is underway.
Prepping for all my parents and kiddos to meet me, see our room, and get back in a routine.
This year I decided to use a flip book to provide parents with important information from our room.
I purchased a flip book here
It was so easy to input the information I needed and assemble before Open House!
Beginning the year is all about creating a classroom community.
Another add on for me this year was this about me page
I downloaded the document here
This page was a great way to introduce myself to my kids and my parents.
I found students coming into my room more comfortable with me knowing a little more about me.
I love meeting my new students at Open House.
Upon introductions I send each student on a scavenger hunt around our room.
I love this activity because I think its a great way to get the students comfortable
with their new room.
On the first day of school students already know where they sit and where to put their things.
Check out this amazing Scavenger Hunt I downloaded.
I love the graphics and my kiddos had so much fun finding items around our room.
After their scavenger hunt they received a little prize from me...
Welcome to First Grade!
These tags were so easy to print out and assemble on individual bags of Goldfish for my kiddos!
Parents also have an opportunity to tour our room as well and of course stop by our giving tree to pick up some items they would like to donate to our classroom.
I find our room is always in need of ...
Paper Towels
ZipLoc bags of all sizes
Expo Markers
Snacks (Goldfish and Pretzels)
Glue Sticks
Prepping for Back to School Night!!!
As I speak with parents I like to have information on slides so we do not miss a thing.
This year I revamped my powerpoint and used one I downloaded from TPT
So easy to use and I love the graphics this presentation has to offer.
As I get ready for parents to visit our room again and hear a little bit more from me about our year ...
I try my best to show what we have been up to in our classroom.
The first two weeks of school we work on establishing rules and routines,
so far we have been working hard on Daily 5, and
building our stamina in reading.
We talked a great deal about good fit books and good spots in the room to read.
These kiddos have been working so hard and I love watching their growth and love for reading develop already!!!
In addition to taking pictures everyone answered the statement
"If you give a first grader a book ..."
They rocked it and loved seeing their pictures up the next day at school.P.S. Did you know that CVS has an app where you can upload your pictures and pick them up in store within 24 hours?!?! AMAZING!!!!!!