Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hoppy Easter

I need to take a second before I dive into my week to tell ya'll about my little vaca!
I had the best time visiting friends and family in Arizona and Florida.
What a great opportunity to get away, do a little hiking and biking, and be out in the beautiful sunshine.
I explored some great places and of course brought back a read aloud from each spot!
I love finding books that are authentic to different states or even small businesses.

Speaking of some more small business finds ....
I start my first day in Kindergarten and amazing mother gave me this

Carrot Saves Easter is a great read aloud by a local author in NEPA!
Featured in the Scranton Times this book of course support good deeds in the classroom.
I am all about the good deeds and encouraging students to do something kind for someone else.

As you can see the book also comes with a little bunny!
Very similar to the Elf on the Shelf this Easter Bunny has been sent to make sure that the candy factory on Easter Island is running smooth. He looks for boys and girls who do kind things.
My kiddos loved this story, the secret Easter egg hunt throughout it, and the bunny who came to visit.

Here is a little Freebie to use with the book to record students good deeds (coming soon)

My little trip away has left me feeling refreshed and ready to take on this new adventure in KINDERGARTEN!
Although my time here will be short I am grateful for the experience and opportunity in a new grade.
I taught Kindergarten when I was student teaching but of course I was exposed to the beginning of Kindergarten and of course 1st grade for three years now.
I love being back and adjusting to the grade level changes.
The mind is so interesting to me and I love watching in grow and change.

This week of course was Easter and aside from getting my feet wet in Kindergarten we had a little fun with some celebrations at school.
The PTA had the Easter bunny travel to each classroom,
We had egg races in the gym,
and we topped it off with an ice cream celebration in the classroom.

I put together these treat bags a few years ago for my students and its such an easy gift for students to enjoy!

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