Monday, September 14, 2015

Color Days

And just like that were through the second week of school!

This week we worked on colors.
Our unit focused on the colors ...
Red - Blue - Green - Purple - Yellow

Before the unit students created their favorite color crayon.

We read The Day The Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers

This story is adorable and I love how each crayon has such a personality. My kids loved seeing the different crayons letters and the pictures that accompanied each letter. 

I purchased Kickin it in Kindergarten's Color Days unit ... 

and we loved it!

Each day students wore the color of the day.

We brought in a toy of that color to share with the class.

Students helped me spell their name and the color and we wrote what we shared in sentences on an anchor chart.

We also used flip books to trace, color, spell, find, and create with the color of the day.

I loved these books because they increased students ability to recognize the letters in the word, the spelling and the word as a whole. 

We looked pretty snazzy all week in our colors!

For our Read Alouds I used ....

Red is the Best by Kathy Stinson for Red Day

What a cute book about a child who loves the color red!
Students completed a sentence and drawing that went with what they loved best!

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey for Blue Day

We loved how Sal and his mother and the baby bear and his mother all got mixed up searching for berries. Students then completed a response sheet where they drew their own berries and wrote the number that corresponded with the amount of berries they drew. 

10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle for Yellow Day

This was an adorable story about rubber ducks that get lost and one rubber duck manages to become apart of a real duck family. In response to this story students were to follow the directions and color only 10 rubber ducks. 

Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson for Purple Day

I found this story online! I loved the idea of watching this story as opposed to reading it. The story online really brought the book to life. My students really enjoyed the story and after they made their own drawing just in purple crayon. 

Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley for Green Day

This story was adorable!!!
The book created a green monster and then told each part of the monster to go away until there was no monster left.
In response to this story students created their very own green monster and then put together a sentence that went with their drawing. 

This week we also continued practicing the letters in our name.

We played many ABC letter recognition, matching and identifying games. 
I sent home ABC flashcards to parents encouraging they play some games at home with their child to build to their letter recognition skills. 

Here are some of the activities I found ...
1. Alphabet Hunt and Match
2. Memory/Concentration Game
3. Match uppercase and lowercase letters
4. Glue flashcards to popsicle sticks to alphabetize and match letters
5. Trace - Place tracing or tissue paper over the cards and have your child trace the letters
6. Sort- sort by round and straight, uppercase and lowercase. There's no wring way - you just want them looking at and thinking about the letters
7. Spread the cards all over the floor. Call out a letter and have your child jump on that letter.
8. Work together to arrange the cards in alphabetical order
9. Match each card to an object that starts with that letter
10. Slap Jack - Play Slap Jack using the letters in your child's name as the jacks

This week we started our September BUILD centers.

They loved these activities and I am excited to see how the rest of the year goes using them!

Students are still learning how to work independently in small groups but I think we will have it mastered soon:)

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